Does the Microneedling Device Used Matter?

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Shannon is the master esthetician and instructor at Reimagine Clinic

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Does the Microneedling Device Used Matter?


Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves puncturing the skin with fine needles to induce collagen production. This process aims to rejuvenate the skin, making it firmer, smoother, and more toned. It’s widely used to treat various skin conditions, including scars, wrinkles, and stretch marks.

What are Microneedling Devices?

Microneedling devices are tools designed to create tiny punctures in the skin. The primary types are roller microneedling devices, which are manually rolled over the skin, and machine microneedling devices, which use automated needles to penetrate the skin at a controlled depth.

Understanding Microneedling Devices

Roller Microneedling Devices

Roller devices, known for their simplicity, consist of a rolling head covered in tiny needles. As the device rolls across the skin, it creates micro-injuries. These rollers are popular for at-home use due to their ease of use and lower cost. However, the depth of needle penetration is not easily controlled, which can affect the treatment’s uniformity and effectiveness (learn more).

Machine Microneedling Devices

Machine devices, on the other hand, offer more precision. They use automated needles that can be adjusted for depth and speed, allowing for a more tailored treatment. These devices are typically used by professionals in clinical settings. The precision and control they offer make them suitable for treating more complex skin issues and ensuring a more consistent treatment outcome (explore the technology).

Comparing Roller and Machine Microneedling Devices


The effectiveness of microneedling largely depends on the device used. Studies suggest that machine devices, with their ability to precisely control needle depth and speed, can more effectively target specific skin layers and problems. This precision can lead to better stimulation of collagen and elastin production. Roller devices, while effective for general skin rejuvenation, may not provide the same level of effectiveness for more targeted or deeper skin issues.


Precision is critical in microneedling to ensure that the treatment reaches the optimal skin depth without causing unnecessary damage. Machine devices offer adjustable settings that can target the exact depth required for various treatments, leading to more consistent and predictable results. Roller devices lack this precision, which can lead to variable results and potentially increased risk of skin trauma or infection.

Comfort and Safety

Comfort and safety are paramount considerations in any cosmetic procedure. Machine microneedling devices, often equipped with features like vibration dampening and speed control, tend to offer a more comfortable experience. They also typically include single-use, sterile needle cartridges, which help prevent infection. Roller devices, while generally safe when used correctly, require careful maintenance and handling to ensure sterility and prevent skin damage.

Feature/AspectRoller Microneedling DevicesMachine Microneedling Devices
Pros– Cost-effective and widely accessible– Higher precision with adjustable needle depth
 – Simple to use, suitable for at-home treatments– More uniform and controlled punctures lead to consistent results
 – Good for larger areas of the skin– Typically faster treatment time with automated process
  – Reduced risk of infection with single-use, sterile needle cartridges
Cons– Less precise, depth of penetration varies– Generally more expensive, requiring professional operation
 – Higher risk of uneven skin punctures leading to variable results– May be less accessible for personal use due to the need for professional handling
 – Manual operation can be time-consuming and less consistent– Requires training and expertise to operate safely and effectively
 – Potential for higher risk of infection if not properly sterilized 
Skin Improvement– Effective for overall skin rejuvenation, improving texture and appearance of fine lines– Targeted treatment for various skin issues, including deeper scars and wrinkles
 – Results may vary significantly based on technique and skin type– Consistently high rates of collagen production and skin improvement
 – Generally recommended for mild to moderate skin issues– Often used for more severe skin conditions due to precise application

Data on Improvement of Skin:

  • Effectiveness: Both types of devices are effective for stimulating collagen production. Machine devices, however, tend to produce more consistent and targeted results. Studies typically show a noticeable improvement in skin texture, firmness, and a reduction in the appearance of scars and wrinkles after several sessions. The exact improvement percentages can vary widely based on the individual’s skin condition, age, and the specific treatment protocol used.

  • Treatment Outcomes: Clinical trials often report patient satisfaction and skin improvement metrics. For instance, a study might show that after a series of microneedling sessions, patients experienced a 40-60% improvement in the appearance of acne scars. Such data is specific to the study’s parameters, including the type of device used, needle depth, and number of treatments.

  • Safety and Side Effects: Both types of microneedling are generally safe when performed correctly. The side effects are usually minor and temporary, including redness, swelling, and bruising. However, machine devices, when used improperly, can lead to more severe side effects due to their power and depth of penetration.

Final Thoughts

The choice of microneedling device plays a significant role in the treatment’s outcome. While roller devices may be suitable for at-home use and general skin care, machine devices offer greater precision, effectiveness, and safety for more complex skin issues. As with any cosmetic treatment, it’s essential for individuals to consult with skincare professionals to choose the most appropriate device and treatment plan for their specific needs.

In the rapidly evolving field of cosmetic dermatology, ongoing research and technological advancements continue to refine and improve microneedling techniques. As we gain more understanding and evidence, the debate over the best microneedling device will likely continue, with a focus on developing even more effective, safe, and patient-friendly options.

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