
At Reimagine Clinic in Montreal, we offer an array of specialized treatments for various body conditions, ensuring a holistic approach to beauty and wellness. Our expert team employs the latest techniques and technologies, from body sculpting to targeted treatments for specific concerns like cellulite, stretch marks, and body contouring. Each client receives personalized care, designed to enhance their natural beauty while prioritizing comfort and results.

Common Body Issues?

In our day and age, we are constantly targeted with perfect bodies all around us. Far from being the truth, those are not the bodies of the majority of the population. 

Body conditions such as bacne (acne on the back), stretch marks or fat in unwanted areas can be targeted with different treatments. At Reimagine clinic in Montreal, we have the solution you require for these conditions and help you through your beauty journey with us. Find some of the body treatments we offer. 

Products used

Treatment choices

microneedling montreal


Microneedling Stretch marks

Non-invasive treatment

lipo cavitation montreal


Lipo Cavitation

Non-Invasive treatment

meline ethn


Chemical Peel

Light to medium chemical peel

stretch mark solution offered in montreal by reimagineclinic


Stretch Marks camouflage

Non-invasive treatment

we’re here to answer all your questions

Many individuals seek treatment for various esthetic body conditions to enhance their appearance and confidence. Common conditions include cellulite, stretch marks, loose skin, unwanted fat deposits, spider veins, and scars. Cellulite, often appearing as dimpled skin, primarily affects thighs and buttocks but can occur in other areas. Stretch marks, another frequent concern, are typically the result of rapid skin stretching due to weight gain, growth spurts, or pregnancy. Loose skin can result from aging or significant weight loss, while unwanted fat deposits might persist despite diet and exercise. Spider veins, visible as small, twisted blood vessels, often appear on legs and face. Lastly, scars from injuries, surgeries, or acne can be a cosmetic concern for many.

There are several non-surgical treatments for addressing esthetic body conditions. For cellulite, treatments like radiofrequency therapy, laser treatments, and acoustic wave therapy are popular. These methods work by stimulating collagen production, improving skin elasticity, and reducing fat layers. To treat stretch marks, options include microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and laser therapy, which promote skin regeneration and can minimize their appearance. Loose skin can be tightened through radiofrequency, ultrasound therapy, or laser treatments, encouraging collagen and elastin production for firmer skin. Fat reduction techniques like cryolipolysis (cool sculpting) and laser lipolysis are effective for unwanted fat deposits. Spider veins can be addressed with sclerotherapy or laser treatments, which close off these veins. For scars, options include laser therapy, microneedling, and surgical revision, depending on the scar type and severity.

The effectiveness of treatments for esthetic body conditions varies based on the specific condition, treatment type, and individual factors. Generally, most people see noticeable improvements. For instance, cellulite reduction treatments can yield significant results, but maintenance sessions might be necessary. Stretch mark treatments often lead to a considerable reduction in their visibility, although completely erasing them is challenging. Non-surgical skin tightening methods provide gradual yet visible results, with ongoing treatments needed to maintain firmness. Fat reduction techniques can permanently remove fat cells, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial to prevent new fat deposits. Spider vein treatments have a high success rate, though new veins may appear over time. Scar treatments can significantly improve appearance, but results vary based on scar type and age. It’s important to have realistic expectations and discuss potential outcomes with a professional.

While non-surgical esthetic treatments are generally safe, they carry some risks and potential side effects. Common side effects include temporary redness, swelling, bruising, and discomfort at the treatment site. More severe but rare risks could include burns from laser or radiofrequency treatments, uneven skin texture, or changes in skin pigmentation. For fat reduction treatments, there’s a small risk of paradoxical adipose hyperplasia, where fat cells enlarge rather than decrease. In the case of spider vein treatments, there’s a slight chance of skin discoloration or the formation of new spider veins. It’s crucial to choose a qualified and experienced practitioner and discuss all potential risks before undergoing any treatment.

Preparation for esthetic body treatments typically involves consulting with a specialist to determine the best treatment plan. Depending on the treatment, you might be advised to avoid certain medications, supplements, or sun exposure before the procedure. It’s also important to have clean, product-free skin on the day of the treatment. Post-treatment care varies but generally includes avoiding strenuous exercise, heat exposure (like saunas or hot baths), and direct sunlight for a period. Keeping the treatment area clean, applying prescribed topical treatments, and staying hydrated are also important. For laser treatments, using a high-SPF sunscreen is crucial to protect the treated skin. Your practitioner will provide specific instructions based on the treatment you receive.

Yes, many esthetic body treatments can be effectively combined with other cosmetic procedures for enhanced results. For example, someone undergoing fat reduction treatments might also benefit from skin tightening procedures to address any resultant loose skin. Combining treatments should be done under the guidance of a qualified professional who can advise on the safest and most effective treatment plan. It’s important to consider the timing of different treatments to ensure optimal healing and results. Your practitioner will assess your individual needs and goals to recommend the best combination of treatments.


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